120 AL-Nasr St. beside main post Office
Hurghada - Red Sea - Egypt
PHONE: +20 10 1100 50 50
+20 10 2200 50 50
EMAI: info@dr-mohamed-kilany.com
Appointment Hours:
Saturday - thursday
6:00 pm - 11:30 pm
120 AL-Nasr St. beside main post Office
Hurghada - Red Sea - Egypt
PHONE: +20 10 1100 50 50
+20 10 2200 50 50
EMAI: info@dr-mohamed-kilany.com
Appointment Hours:
Saturday - thursday
6:00 pm - 11:30 pm
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If you call before or after our appointment hours with an urgent problem, our answering service will relay your message to our consultant. He will promptly return your call.